Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Your calendar is wrong... summer started today.

It's not the heat, it's the humidity. Putting fans in the window no longer does any good. Neither does cool showers, light clothing, or tall glasses of iced tea. Hot, sticky, clammy. It was finally time to kick on the air, and at about 8:00 this evening I did just that.

People up north say they dread that day each year when they bring in the lawn furniture, prep the house for winter, and close the windows for good. It's the end of an enjoyable season, and the beginning of being stuck indoors. I dread the first time I turn on the air each year. I always put it off as long as I can. I really enjoy the outside air, the smell of the grass, and - if the wind is blowing right - the salty breeze blowing in from the gulf. I like to sit by a window at night and feel the freshness of non-recycled air drifting from one window to another in its honeysuckle perfume.

I also like not being sweaty and not sticking to furniture. And when your furniture has cloth upholstery, that's pretty hot.

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